Goto contacts on your cell phone and close your eyes as you scroll
through them. Stop randomly, and the person you're on is the answer to
the question.
The person you will spend the rest of your life with? Rininta Riyandini :D
through them. Stop randomly, and the person you're on is the answer to
the question.
The person you will spend the rest of your life with? Rininta Riyandini :D
The person you will date in the coming months? Bintang-_-
The person you will cheat on the above person with? Keni ckck
The person who is your true best friend? Maura Adlina haha
The person who is your arch nemisis? Nabila Mumtazia
The person you will get married to? Narendra Hutomo u_u
The person you will die with? Papaaaa :))
The last person you will remember when your old and have lost your memory? Salma Nabila itu temen adek gua ya bagus