Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011


recognize this little girl?

or maybe this little brat?

mmm what if this little cutie?

yeeeeerpppp!!! I finally had a chance to watch them again since I finished the manga ages ago :____D so happy! Btw the first one above is Sakura Kinomoto, the second one is Syaoran Li (which is the cutest yet the handsomest *wtfff* anime character ehhvurrr, adoring him until now :3), and the tiny little yellow thing is Cerberus/Kero. So here's the thing, I've been loving Card Captor Sakura for so long since my early elementary years. I've watched a couple episodes of the anime before without knowing the whole point of the story, meh. But nowwwww as I finished the manga, I know it all!!! And I planned a ccs marathon for this holiday. Über excited to start this after a long period :''''''))) *drowning in tears of joy*

Rabu, 16 November 2011

SEA games break!

Hey guys. Trying to keep this blog updated, but it is daaaaaaamn hard! It's been a holiday since this year's SEA Games is being held in Indonesia, so we got a week off from school which WAS exciting until I realized how much crap (homeworks) that need to be done by the end of this week. Plus, math and history test on Monday. 


1. Grazia Vocalista
Grazia Vocalista will be competing in Bogor Art Festival 2011 on Saturday!! Since it's a National Choir Competition, wish us a bunch of luck!!! In case of winning the competition, we manage to have a tight schedule of rehearsal. And it means I wont get any day off this week!! ummm wait, except Sunday but it doesn't make any difference lol T_T.

2. Schhhhwimmm
Guess what? We had P.E class in a holiday hahahahahahahahahahahah. No. We actually just have to swim across a swimming pool in Cilandak Town Square to get our score. And then? Yeah, we go home, lol. It was that simple. But no way, I finally came over to Puput's house with some of the girls. 

3. feelings
you can ignore this one. but I feel like I need to move it here since it's been piling up on my mind.
have you ever felt this way? when you finally have the guts to say hello, just in time, and he's gone. you know what 'gone' means in this case, if you don't you can just figure it out yourself. It actually hurts knowing that you were not this kind of girl back then, and this person changes you but when you tried to show him that you've changed, he wasn't there. he's gone :'(
*yea tumben bgt buti galau uhuy*

AAAAAAA it's 9.21 a.m right here, gotta take a shower andddd grab some snacks. bye!

Selasa, 15 November 2011


HERE I GO AGAIN! it's my 1,2,3,4.....5th months in high school and guess what? it sucks. Nah, I mean people are nice, school facilities are fine, teachers ummm yeah you know? they're a thieves of joy  for giving us a bunch of crap called homeworks. And I'm seriously having a serious issue with my grades. Math hates me, it's like I don't have faith in it, enough said (re: I don't wanna talk about it). Physics' starting to get on my nerves as well. During the class I was like "I got this shit. Relax, self, relax" and I do mean it! But when it comes to the test I was like "Holy crap! where do these shit came from???? wtf is that??? wtf is this???? NOOOOO!!". Pathetic, I know. Aaaand then I got Chemistry which I thought would be fun, *brb crying my eyes out* *wiping tears*. But at least chem is way better than math #alibi. Biology, still my favorite since it has no/least math problems in it, even it gets harder though, lol. We're moving on to Geography. I thought it would be all about countries, maps, capital cities and else but......but....but reality has's not. Sociology, oh well, who the hell care if a someone is having a social interaction with another someone? no one, so deal with it. Economics, well this thing is just.....I just don't like it, idk why.

it actually stands for X enam paling depan-_-- I know it's a little bit cheesy but that's the way I love them

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.

-Zelda Fitzgerald

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011


guess what? I GRADUATED! And the scores are waaaaay exceeded my expectations :'). I got a 10 for Science (!!!!) and 9.8 for English. Almost thereee to have 2 tens. But the good news is there's no 8 at all. I expected a score around 8 for math but reality has never been this good, I got 9!!!! And for Bahasa I got 9.4, it's alright :).

The sum of those scores is 38,20 out of 40. I hope it is good enough to put myself in a good high school.

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Sudden Crave

So FYI, this week has been my PMS week, which include a sudden crave for some particular foods. I've been craving for cupcakes this whole week and just so you know if my oven worked well, I could've made a-lifetime-stock of cupcakes.

By the way, I finally found out Georgetown Cupcakes' official website. They run a show called 'DC Cupcakes' on Star World or maybe TLC, well I watch them on Star World but somehow the website said they were on TLC. Nvm, and I was like asdfasdfsdgj when I click the menu link (click to check out). Believe me, the menu is like heaven on earth. They've got sooooo many flavors! They've got daily cupcakes, weekly cupcakes and seasonal cupcakes. These are my favorites:

Aren't they gorgeous?? Yes they are! I adore the shaped fondant on top, and the swirl is really neat and fluffy. Llllllllooooooooovvvvvvvveeeeee <3.

Rabu, 04 Mei 2011


Seperti yang kalian tau, tanggal 29 April 2011 lalu merupakan hari besar bagi Keluarga Besar Kerajaan Inggris karena Pangeran William yang merupakan putra mahkota dan pewaris tahta dari Prince of Wales (Charles) dan Princess of Wales (Diana) akan menikah dengan Catherine 'Kate' Middleton yang merupakan rakyat biasa. Keren ga tuh?

Gua termasuk orang yang awam dalam menghadapi event-event kaya gini. Waktu liat beritanya di tv gua biasa aja karena gua gak tahu-menahu tentang keluarga kerajaan, tapi pas hari H gua mantengin terus tv dari jam 3 sampe jam 9 dan akhirnya hampir tau silsilah keluarganya dari Queen Elizabeth II sampe Prince Harry.

Ngomong-ngomong Prince Harry ya kawan-kawan, he's quite good looking. Yah mungkin karena pas wedding Harry jadi best man dan berdiri sebelahnya William yang ternyata, setelah gua perhatikan, wajahnya tidak 'semapan' Harry *ampun Queen Elizabeth jangan hukum saya, cucu anda ganteng-ganteng kok*. Dan akhirnya seluruh perhatian wanita di seluruh dunia tertuju pada Harry, bukannya William. Yang lebih menggembirakan lagi adalah desas desusnya Harry itu masih single. Makin heboh deh.

Tapi anehnya gua lebih tertarik ke sosok Prince Harry yang masih kecil daripada yang sekarang. Gua nemu videonya nih pas Harry, William, dan ortu mereka liburan ke Spanyol. NIH VIDEONYA. And take a look at these pictures I got from tumblr:

HAHAHAHAHAH yang terakhir lucu ya? Oke itu bonus, tapi yang lain unyu bgt kan? Iya itu unyu banget ya Allah pengen diculik tapi sekarang udah gede gimana dong? HAHAH oke oiya btw follow tumblr gua yaa kalo gamau juga gpp koook click here to find awesomeness.

What just happened lately.

What just happened? I don't know I just passed UN. I just passed UN. passed UN.

WHOAAAA after all this time! Yes yes yes! Fun fun fun fun, looking forward to the weekend *loh*. Oke itu salah tapi yang bener adalah Looking forward to the holiday! Akhirnya selesai juga loh UN, semoga hasilnya memuaskan. Amin. Oke ini sekilas tentang UN:

1. Bahasa Indonesia: Pasrah aja. Udah lupa soalnya. Kemungkinan dapet 10: 90%

2. Matematika: Jangan tanya. Emang selalu apes kalo ngerjain mat. Diduga karena lupa sms minta restu sama mama. Kemungkinan dapet 9: 80%

3. Bahasa Inggris: #keeprecordssialan, kayanya cuma salah satu soal, kemungkinan dapet 10: 99%

4. IPA: #blessthequestions, fisika langsung capcus, biologi ngasal 5, tapi ternyata, kayanya ya kayanya, kelima soal yang dijawab ngasal itu benar (amin), kemungkinan dapet 10: 95%

Pengen banget IPA sama B. Indonesia 100 Ya Allah!!!! biar dapet SMAnya gampang karena nemnya bagus. Udah gamungkin mat dapet 9 dan b.inggris dapet 10 hix :').

Oiya dan makasih sebesar2nya buat yang sudah mendoakan saya agar sukses menjalankan UN yang (akhirnya) telah berlalu, makasih makasih makasih. Oke sekian wassalamualaikum.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

1 April 2011

YEAAAY APRIL MOP!! Happy Birthday buat yang ulang tahun hari ini yaa! Banyak banget deh kayanya ada Maudy, Oches, Icha dll. Semoga kalian bertiga UN nya lancar ya amin. Semoga buti UN nya lancar juga ya *loh?*. Oke but ultah lo masih Juni tunggu aja ya.

Ya asal lo tau sekarang UAS udah selesai kawan2. Positifnya, gua cuma tinggal belajar buat UN 3 minggu kedepan tanpa ada tekanan, karena kalo banyak yang menekan gua bisa gepeng gabisa mikir dan gabisa ikut UN. Negatifnya adalah, UN semakin dekat saudara saudara. Ambisi gua masih sama untuk bisa masuk 28 atau 34 dan masih meminta doa kepada saudara sekalian yang masih baca blog ini (dan gua yakin gaada). Ada yang sepertinya perlu dibagi disini supaya gak numpuk di otak:

Kapal ferry di soal PLKJ, ruang ilsos 9 dan pensil cakalakabumbum

PLKJ, masih sama gakpentingnya kaya dulu dan gua bingung kenapa mesti ada UASnya. Dan gua juga bingung kenapa masih ada pertanyaan yang menanyakan kapal ferry beroperasi di mana? gimana kalo gua jawabnya di udara? Akan sangat lucu sekali apabila ada kapal ferry membawa penumpang dari pulau jawa ke bali melewati udara. Bisa2 dibalap burung camar sama pesawat jet dia. Hari ini yang ngawas adalah dua buah tiang listrik alias Bu Inez dan Pak Ilham yang tinggi sekali dan sepatunya kinclong. Pak ilham ngikutin rildi ke toilet dan bu inez yang ngegalau sama nazhira di balkon habis dari toilet.
Hari ini juga ada pengumuman kelompok buat belajar selama 3 minggu ke depan. Sistemnya kayak pemantapan gitu dan gua turun kelompok haaa sediih hiks tadinya kelompok 5 terus sekarang kelompok 4. Untuk ada si melissa jadi ada temen deh satu kelompok yey. Dan ruangan kelompok 4 adalah ruangan ilsos 9 yang juga merupakan ruangan tempat gua mengerjakan TO TO gua berminggu2 lalu dan juga merupakan ruangan tempat gua mengerjakan UN nanti. Bisa2 gua berjamur disana dan jangan kaget kalo di meja paling kiri deret nomer tiga ada gambar pensil stabilo gede kaya pensil cakalakabumbum (tau ga lo film india yang ada pensil ajaibnya?), itu adalah buah kebosenan gua menunggu waktu keluar ketika TO.

Cape mau tidur, byebye

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Udah lama ya......

Udah lama ya ga ngepost disini uwaaaw '0'.
Yak jadi terakhir ngepost itu masih jaman KI baru mulai, buset tau ga sekarang udah hampir selese UAS but, kemana aja sih lo? Lo tau ga sih gua tuh selama ini BELAJAR walaupun hasilnya gak bagus2 amat sih tapi lumayanlah PM masuk kelompok 5, dan selama ini TO, EHB, dan UAS gua ga nyonteek wihiiii! Bagusbagus semoga ini bisa dipertahankan sampe UAN nanti ya kalo bisa ditingkatkan deh. Amin. Doain gua ya siapapun yang baca ini (walaupun mungkin gaada yang baca lagi) supaya gua bisa masuk SMAN 28!!!! plisplis okelah mentok2 34 gapapah deh. Trs doain juga semoga nilai2 matematika gua jadi semakin baik, supaya nemnya bisa diatas 38. Eh masa ya 28 katanya nemnya 38 aja blm aman wadaaaw gimananih, makanya doain ya eheheh. Btw besok plkj doang nih UASnya males banget masuknya masa cuma 2 jam di sekolah ngapain coba, trs gua males belajar plkj nih, apa besok aja ya belajarnya? Tapi takut kualat kalo nganggep enteng. Alah labil lo but, yaudah deh belajar aja. Cao dadah