Rabu, 28 April 2010

Today's English Writing

The first and the last sentence are my sentences. The others are 8E's.

Beany loves to collect green things. She also likes to collect necklaces. And also a ring, and many more. One day, something's lost. She feel worried when her necklace lost. She searched everywhere, but just can't find it. Then He was very desperate and kill himself. Before he kill himself, he kill somedbody else first. He kill everyone that doesn't know where the necklace is. And so after that, he jump off a cliff. And, he was confused whether that She is a boy or a girl. So, he asked people about it. People got confused because his/her face doesn't look like a human, so they couldn't decide. But someone give a zamzam water for her/him. So her/his face look like a human. And being an interesting human. He/She eat rice everyday. He/She eat rice because he/she is Indonesian, everybody love Indonesia♥. But everybody hates Malaysians. And then Beany is a boy. And he's gay. He has a mole in his cheek just like Sarp(?) Because he turn ugly he move to Malaysia with his friend, Ardnen. After he move to Malaysia, he has a crush. And I think he was falling in love. He fell in love with the Petronas tower, and want to marry it. Then he lives happily ever after with his odd wife.


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